Shocking Reversal 10

Jun Mohuang found Feng Yunying's unruly princess temper funny.

"…Jun Mohuang, you're so glib-tongued. We can't beat you!"

Feng Yunying recalled that she had indeed said this before.

Furthermore, it was impossible for a test crystal to make a mistake and be controlled by someone.

Her little face turned red and white with anger. She stomped her feet angrily and was about to pull Yue Qianwu's hand back to her seat.

"Fifth Sister, Miss Yue, what are you leaving for? You agreed just now to apologize to my boss and slap yourselves 10 times. Why are you going back on your word?"

Feng Yunqi smiled evilly and blocked their way.

Yue Qianwu gritted her teeth in anger. "You… Jun Mohuang, don't go overboard!"

"Okay, Sixth Bro, Fifth Sister and Cousin were just joking around. There's no need to take it seriously."

Feng Yunyi got up from his seat and walked over to speak for the two women.