Big Bang In The Swamp

Jun Mohuang aimed at the middle of the swamp and fired. She immediately lowered her head and pressed it against the ground.

Less than a second after the gunshot, a deafening explosion echoed in the swamp.

Countless flames surged as an extremely dazzling fireball exploded in the middle of the swamp.

A huge amount of black mud was blown up and fell from all directions.

In the middle of the explosion, the assassin and the four-winged Cloud Sparrow screamed and were sent to the shore by the blast.

Leaning on the shore, Jun Mohuang could clearly feel the strong vibration caused by the explosion.

After the explosion, the shockwave quickly spread from the middle of the swamp like a sharp blade. Countless bushes, branches, and the surrounding huge trees were all cut.

Even with the protection of the barrier on her head and the spiritual crystal dress on her body, Jun Mohuang was still dizzy from the shockwave.