58th Assassin 1

She had been on the run for the whole day and night. When she moved the catmint liquid over, she had exhausted her last bit of mental strength.

Jun Mohuang was extremely exhausted physically and mentally. She urgently needed to find a safe place to sleep.

"Master, your body is so weak!"

Xiao Jin sensed that Jun Mohuang was in a bad state and immediately crawled out of the black iron bracelet on her wrist. It looked at her worriedly.

Previously, when Jun Mohuang was being chased again, Xiao Jin wanted to crawl out several times but was stopped by her.

"It's alright, I'll be fine after some sleep."

Jun Mohuang rubbed her temple in exhaustion.

She supported herself against a tree and slowly walked forward. Xiao Jin jumped on her shoulder and squatted.