A Short Moment of Peace

The 58th assassin indeed did not have the strength to lift the huge tower and shake it. There was a huge slope not far from here, and he directly pushed the huge tower down the slope.

The huge tower rolled down. Bai Leiming was dizzy from the collision and several of his teeth were knocked out.

The huge tower rolled to the bottom of the slope and the world finally fell silent. Bai Leiming had already fainted.

The 58th assassin looked at the huge pagoda below the slope. The doors of each level were still closed. He clenched his fists indignantly and chased after Jun Mohuang again.

Just as he turned to leave, a bolt of lightning suddenly emitted from the top of the huge tower and struck the 58th assassin.

This was not Bai Leiming's doing, but because this tower could change shape and had the most basic intelligence.