Jun Mohuang's Fury

Her house was in a mess. The valuables were being robbed crazily, and the less valuable ones were being smashed or burned.

Bai Mo and the few servants who stayed behind were being beaten up.

Bai Mo, in particular, was grabbed by the hair and repeatedly hit against the corner of the table.

She knew that when these people in Huan City heard the news of her death, they would definitely come looking for trouble.

She did not care about a dead object like the house, but her people were not people who could be bullied easily.

Jun Mohuang narrowed her eyes and raised her palm to release a few spiritual energy blades. She directly hit the people attacking Bai Mo and the servants, until they vomited blood and laid on the ground.

"Miss, I'm so glad you're okay!"

Bai Mo was in a daze. When she saw Jun Mohuang, she suddenly woke up.

"Miss, I'm glad you're okay!"

The other servants who had been beaten almost cried tears of joy.