Killing All 2

She didn't want to write "I'm a b*tch" on her forehead for a month and go out every day. That would be so embarrassing.

She had prepared this treatment for Jun Mohuang, so she naturally couldn't enjoy it herself.

"Oh, it's good that you lost. If you lose, it's a warning. If you don't have the ability, then don't gamble with others. The Academy Of A Thousand Illusions is not Huan Yun, so you can't do whatever you want here."

Su Zhiyun's tone was cold and her attitude indifferent. It was as if Su Zhiyu was an unrelated stranger to her. No matter how embarrassed she was, it was none of her business.

"Su Zhiyun, you!"

Su Zhiyu hadn't expected her to have no intention of helping at all.

She even thought that it was good that she lost!

Was she even human? They were sisters from the same mother's womb. Blood was thicker than water. How could she be so cold and heartless!

Su Zhiyu gritted her teeth in anger while her entire body trembled.