Killing All 20

She was so light that her entire body was about to float.

The Earth Spirit and Xiao Jin's stomachs swelled and they felt dizzy from eating the lotus seeds, but they couldn't help but continue eating them.

In the past three days, the two of them had eaten about 10,000 Wood-Nourishing Lotus seeds.

The red star on Xiao Jin's head directly advanced to orange.

The Earth Spirit sighed contentedly. Oh my God, it was so good to be with the bad woman!

The amount of spiritual energy in this thing could match a hundred Spirit Stones. After eating it, it could be absorbed completely in a short period of time. It was much stronger than Spirit Stones.

Furthermore, it could eat as much as it wanted. If it could eat so many lotus seeds every day, it would have a chance to regain its former strength.

At the thought of this, the Earth Spirit was extremely excited.