Jun Mohuang's Fury 4

Crimson blood spewed out and stained the rock behind Zhi Ming.

A few drops of blood splashed on the faces of the people nearby.

"Just nice, this coffin can be useful now. Wasting is not a good habit."

Jun Mohuang looked down at the dead Zhi Ming and then at the coffin, obviously very satisfied with this outcome.

"You… Jun Mohuang… You're so cruel!"

The people of Zhiyun Pavilion looked at the dead Zhi Ming and couldn't help but retreat a few meters, curling up and shivering.

They were afraid that Jun Mohuang would kill them next.

"Go back and tell Su Zhiyun to take care of her underlings. If they dare to scheme against me again and bully my people, this man here won't be the only one dead," she said indifferently as she glanced at the people from the Zhiyun Pavilion.

Jun Mohuang casually flicked the blood off the long sword with her spiritual energy. She did not care about losing a million Spiritual Value Points.