Savage Little Seedling

It could speed up the growth and effectiveness of spiritual plants and medicinal materials.

After Jun Mohuang planted the seed in the Earth Crystal, she stared intently at the black seed wrapped in the Earth Crystal.

Just as the Earth Spirit said, with the suitable soil to grow, the life aura of the mysterious seed no longer leaked out in large quantities but concentrated at the roots of the seed.

After a few breaths, the mysterious seed's black shell cracked and two needle-width green dots emerged from the seed.

Under the nourishment of the life aura and the Earth Crystal, the green dot grew at a visible speed and turned into two peanut-sized leaves. They emerged from the surface of the Earth Crystal and stretched freely.

It did not stop until the little seedling was a finger tall.

The two small green leaves were green and translucent. They were even more tempting than the green of the imperial jade.