Too Heartbroken to Breathe 2


Jun Mohuang retracted her hand. She had no intention of pulling the little seedling out and throwing it away.

With its temper, it needed to be frightened to be obedient.

The little seedling thought about it and added. "But you can't tell anyone about my existence. No one can know."

Jun Mohuang raised an eyebrow and asked, "Not even my future husband?"

The little seedling shook its head. "No. You can give him my Technique Fruit, but you can't tell him about my existence."

It did this for Jun Mohuang's own good.

She was from Cangyuan Continent and did not understand the weight of the Technique Tree.

Not to mention him being her future husband, even if they were husband and wife who had gone through thick and thin together, there would no be guarantee for her safety. Even biological father and son could become enemies in order to compete for the rights to the Technique Tree.

Not to mention her future husband.