Ah Ci Is Still Sleeping

A melodramatic romance drama was playing on the television.

Lu Yuping sat on the sofa. There was a cup of coffee on the coffee table in front of her. She was very engrossed in it and did not look away."Your Uncle Su was at home this morning. I already asked your Auntie Su yesterday. Why?"

"I have something to do." Jiang Lingzhi's eyes lit up."

Lu Yuping expressed that she was very relieved. Without turning her head, she reminded her,"Okay, go ahead. Your Auntie Su has been talking about you for a long time. You can come back after lunch. I don't have to cook anymore."

Jiang Lingzhi was speechless.

Speaking of this, Lu Yuping began to nag again."Look at how worried you are. I usually have to specially cook a meal for you."

Jiang Lingzhi expressed that she would not take the blame." Mom, you cooked for yourself too. It's not like I'm the only one eating.""

The plot came to an end, and the television began to play advertisements.