So Motherf * cking Cute

The test papers began to be passed to the back, and the sound of paper being passed could be heard in the classroom.

What was rare was that…

Li Shunan didn't fall asleep as soon as he came to the classroom as usual.

After receiving the test paper, he lazily leaned against the wall behind him and took out a pen from the hole in the table!

He took out a pen!

Jiang Lingzhi could not help but look at the sky outside through the window.

Was there a meteor shower today?

His deskmate was about to start the exam!

This was truly a memorable day.

The first test was Chinese.

Jiang Lingzhi didn't have much time to check if her deskmate was serious about writing the test paper.

She checked the test paper first and quickly immersed herself in it, starting to answer the questions seriously.

Because he had to write an essay, he spent a little more time.

When Jiang Lingzhi finished writing the entire paper, she subconsciously glanced at the seat beside her.