He's Not A God

Jiang Lingzhi tried her best to control her voice, but her voice still sounded a little choked.""Ah Shu..."

She sniffed and said,"I can't find you.""

A remote suburban road.

Both sides of the road were covered with dead trees covered in snow.

The entire world fell silent, as if it had fallen into a state of helplessness and despair.

He couldn't find it.

I can't find you, you're in the river

Jiang Lingzhi's tears fell silently. Her tears fell drop by drop on the snow, and they melted.

The person on the other end of the phone didn't say anything, but he could hear the faint sound of breathing.

"I, I can't get a taxi…"

It was as if he had finally found an outlet for his emotions.

The tip of Jiang Lingzhi's nose was red. She tried her best to hold back her emotions, but she could not stop choking."I wanted to look for you, but there are no taxis here…I, I want to go home, but what if I can't find you?"