The Phoenix Totem and the Strange Space

An Mingji handed a bouquet of beautiful lilies to a bodyguard who then placed it in an upright position in front of the tombstone.

He gazed sadly at the woman's photo on the tombstone, and his voice was hoarse.

"You've had your revenge, Sister Jin.

"May you rest in peace now."

His voice traveled from her past life into the present; she could hear it in her ear.

She opened her eyes after she was jolted out of her sleep, and it was still dark. 

An Mingji's voice still echoed in her ear. Startled, she quickly sat up in bed and scanned her surroundings.

She was still in Blackmount Village; she had not died yet. Those painful acts of torture and wrongful accusations had yet to happen.

Gu Jin's breathing was unsteady, and she was panting.

She looked out the window and saw that the moon was still hanging in the sky. Moonlight splashed on her body.

Using the back of her hand, she wiped the sweat off her forehead. She felt nervous when those scenes in her dream came to mind. 

Those scenes were not mere dreams. They had happened in her past life, and she had seen them all in her spirit body.

Gu Jin involuntarily touched the forefinger on her right hand as she thought of what An Mingji had done for her. He had put his family ring on her finger.

It was an open testament to her departure from the Zhen Family.

But now, there was nothing on her forefinger.

Just as she pressed her left hand on her right forefinger, a shudder hit her. Her vision dimmed, and she began to feel dizzy.

Before Gu Jin knew it, she was in a strange space, sitting on the ground and looking a little helpless.

A bright light blinded her vision.

She could hear water flowing in a stream. It horrified her when she saw tall mountains and trees in front of her.

The last time she checked, it was night, and she was sitting on the bed in her room. How did she end up in this strange place?

How could she explain all of this? Plus, night had become day suddenly?

Gu Jin's fingers trembled. She pursed her lips as she cautiously studied her surroundings.

The mountain in the distance looked no less massive than Mount Blackbird. Water that gushed down from the waterfall formed a stream in front of her eyes.

She looked to her right and saw two bamboo houses as well as a pavilion.

Gu Jin carefully scanned the strange environment. After she made sure that it was safe, she slowly got to her feet.

She started to have flashbacks of everything she had done before she got there.

She quickly looked down at her right forefinger as if she had thought of something.

There was something on her right forefinger, and she quickly took a closer look.

She saw a dull pattern of what looked like a phoenix totem on her right forefinger.

Gazing at the phoenix totem, Gu Jin had an explicable feeling that everything happening right then had something to do with it.

Once again, she reached out to touch the totem on her forefinger. A strong sense of departure rose within her, and she was hit with dizziness again.

Just as before, she was back in her room.

Under the moonlight, she could see that An Mingji was sound asleep beside her. He was clenching the blanket as if he was afraid that someone might snatch it away.

Gu Jin pulled the blanket on her body over An Mingji, who seemed happy with the blanket in his hands.

He was sleeping like a log while she was awake like an owl.

Those dreams, and what just happened astonished her.

She touched the phoenix totem on her right forefinger, trying to go back to the strange place from earlier.

Sure enough, dizziness overwhelmed her, and she appeared in that strange place once more.