This Girl Has Changed, and He Can No longer Understand Her

Gu Jin put An Mingji down to pick up the dead junglefowl and rabbit from the ground.

An Mingji noticed this and bent down. "Let me help you, Sister Jin!"

He reached down to grab the wild rabbit and two junglefowl on the ground.

Gu Jin carried the deer with both hands, her lips curling up as she looked at An Mingji. "Okay."

The two then caught up with the father and son as well as Du Aiqing.

The villagers of Blackmount Village were coming out for a stroll after breakfast.

Some villagers saw them carrying a huge wild boar and were amazed.

They immediately went around telling everyone about it, ready to join the fun at Gus' house.

The old man, Chen Hong, and Gu Minmin never returned to the kitchen to eat. Instead, they had been waiting at the doorway since Gu Jin and the others left.