Were You Praising Me?


After a long while, Jiang Tingxu finally broke into a smile.

"Ningning darling, were you... praising me just now?"

The little guy sat back down in his seat with a whoosh and tried his best to put on a straight face:

"Jiang Tingxu, it's time for us to go!"

Pfft, Jiang Tingxu couldn't help but chuckle when she saw the little guy trying to be deadpan.

However, she also knew that her son was pretty shy:

"Alright, Fasten your seatbelt. We're heading back."


The little guy in the backseat secretly let out a sigh of relief.


When they came out of the food street, they didn't expect that there would be more people on the street at night than during the day. There were stalls and peddlers all over the street.

The little guy looked out of the car window curiously, especially at the bright and colorful lights, which were the most eye-catching.