Crazy Fans


The corners of Jiang Tingxu's lips twitched a few times, and Pei Rusi also smiled:

"As everyone knows, 90% of people who cut their wrists do not die. I once treated a patient who cut his wrists. He mustered the courage to cut his wrists from shallow to deep five times. The blood starts to flow, but after 7 to 8 minutes, the blood coagulates and leaves behind an ugly scar. The loss outweighs the gain."

Jiang Tingxu nodded in agreement. Then she shook her head:

"Well, it isn't impossible for her to die. She just has to cut deep enough!"

However, that Movie Queen Lu purportedly cut in public, in front of many people in the company. How deep could the cut be?

Most likely, she only did it to achieve her objective!

When they reached the cafeteria, they took some food and sat down somewhere.

Pei Rusi glanced at the plate in Jiang Tingxu's hands:

"That's all you're eating?" He asked curiously.