Take Her Away

However, after putting the child on the bed, she came out to pick up the phone.


"Hello, is this Miss Jiang?"

"Yes, and you are?"

"I'm a waiter from Imperial Phoenix. Miss Su Muxue is drunk at our place. She asked us to call and ask you to come pick her up."

Jiang Tingxu was about to hang up the phone to inform Brother Su when Su Muxue snatched the phone from the waiter:

"Jiang Tingxu, come and pick me up quickly. Don't inform my eldest brother or anyone else. Just you, you!"

Hearing her tone, Jiang Tingxu was indeed drunk. She was quite drunk, as drunk as a sailor.

Jiang Tingxu glanced at the room from the corner of her eyes. A certain little guy was eavesdropping.

"There's a child here. I can't leave. Can't your eldest brother pick you up? Or is your eldest brother angry with you again?"

Impossible, right?