Did He Did Something Bad?

"Mother, you can scold me all you want. I won't say anything. But, Peiyi shouldn't go to the police station! She would have a criminal record, and her life would be ruined if they take her away."

Of course, the old lady didn't want any of her descendants to go to the police station either. She straightened her face, "What exactly does Young Master Mo want?"

Her tone was much more formal this time, and there were hints of begging and compromise.

They were all cunning, so what was the point of pretending to be serious?

However, the Shen couples were indeed not as understanding as Old Madam Shen.

Mo Boyuan took off his gaze and felt disdained looking at these people, which would only dirty his vision.

"Prison or mental hospital, it's your choice."

How could someone who did mean things not be punished?

The Mo family's lawyer team could at least request three to five years in prison sentence for Shen Peiyi for what she had done.