Trying to flirt with him

Of course, Mo Boyuan also noticed some nasty comments. He frowned, and his face turned gloomy. He was acting on impulse. He opened the photo app on his phone, and he looked for the picture on their marriage certificate. He shared it on Weibo and edited the caption, and he pressed send.

Actions speak louder than words.

As he posted the picture, he had put his phone away. The next second, both mother and son had already come out from the shower.

"Come here, Zhining. Put some lotion on."

"No, that's for girls. I'm a boy."

"Oh, who told you that only girls can put it on?"

"Uh...Isn't it true?"

"No! Of course not. Ask your daddy. He puts it on too!"

As a celebrity working in the entertainment industry, Mo Boyuan had not always worn makeup during a shoot for the magazine or when he was on camera. But skincare routine was still essential.
