Don't You Know How Heavy You Are?

The car was dead silent, and the temperature was just right.

A few minutes later, Mo Boyuan pulled over in front of Yunyu Tixiang. Mo Zhining had been waiting, and he opened the car door, crawling in nimbly.

Just as he was about to speak, Mo Boyuan had interrupted. "Be quiet. Mommy is asleep."

Mo Zhining nodded quickly and tilted his head to find Jiang Tingxu sleeping in her seat. He quietly sat back down. Then, Mo Boyuan started the engine and drove off.


It was supposed to be a twenty-minute drive back to Zichen Mountain. Yet this time, they took half an hour to arrive. Once the car came to a stop, Jiang Tingxu opened her eyes.

"You're awake?" His voice was soft.

"Mhm," she answered.

The kiddo in the back seat couldn't hold back anymore and asked, "Mommy, are you tired?"

There was a worried look on his little face. Mo Zhining thought his mommy must've been tired. If not, she wouldn't have fallen asleep in the car.