Too Shy

All the elders present could clearly see the couple exchanging flirtatious glances.

Mother Mo coughed,

"I'll go and see what the kitchen has prepared." With that, she got up and left quickly.

What else could she stay for?

To watch her son and daughter-in-law publicly display their affection?

After Mother Mo left, Father Mo also put down his newspaper and got up,

"I'm going to the study."

In the end, even the Old Master hid in the backyard to fish.

In the huge living room, only the two of them were left.

Only then did Jiang Tingxu begin to realise that something was fishy, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it.

"Why did Grandpa and the others leave?" Jiang Tingxu asked.

The old fox smiled.

"Xu Xu, are you really asking me that?"