The Generational Wife-Slaves

Mo Boyuan rubbed his chin resentfully after his wife's sudden revelation of his past.

"Fine, I'll let him off this time. Otherwise, you'll always think that I, as his biological father, am even harsher on him than his stepfather!"

Jiang Tingxu felt a headache when she heard Mo Boyuan's grumbling and his aggrieved tone.

Mo Boyuan was about to continue flirting with his wife when he was interrupted by an urgent phone call.

"Boss, he's back!" Leng Zheng's voice rang from the phone.

Hearing this, Mo Boyuan's expression instantly grew more serious.

"I'll be right there."

"Yes, boss. I'll have him under control for now."


Mo Boyuan got up and was about to leave, but he was stopped in his tracks by Jiang Tingxu.

"What happened?" She asked.

"Nothing serious. I'll go over and take care of it. I'll be back soon. You can rest here."

Jiang Tingxu didn't let go of his hand.

"I heard Leng Zheng's voice."