My Wife's Hands Must Not be Sullied

The chains clanged and the lock was opened.

Now that's not the end of it. There's still a fingerprint lock!

Actually, this wasn't even an important place in the base. If it was, there wouldn't merely be two locks, and such ordinary locks at that!

Jiang Tingxu's entire body trembled uncontrollably. After all, she had wanted to rip out that person's tendons, peel off that person's skin, and drink that person's blood since so long ago!

Mo Boyuan held his wife's hand tightly.

"The person who hurt my son, I will make him pay a thousand times the price!"

But his wife's hand was meant for treating the ill and for saving others. They couldn't be sullied!

The second half of his sentence which he had only muttered under his breath, Jiang Tingxu had already guessed it.

Her turbulent heart suddenly calmed down.