A Pavilion Gets the Moonlight First

Although the little great-grandson came to the department once, he didn't pay much attention at that time. He only had the rough outline of a child in his memory.

Now, he couldn't help being curious.

After all, this was the little great-grandson that he rarely saw!

The pavilion closest to the water gets the moonlight first, so...

Jiang Tingxu coughed twice and quietly took out her phone to open the photo album. She clicked on her son's photo that she had taken earlier.

Petite frame, with a pair of sparkling eyes. The shadow reflected in his eyes should be his mother.

"Overall, the child looked very similar to his father. Almost like a miniature version."

"If you looked closely, the child looked like you too. For example, his tall and straight nose, beautiful forehead, and his dark eyes are the same as yours."

This was the first time Jiang Tingxu heard somebody said that her son looked like her, "Really?"