Deeply Afraid of Being Dug Out

It sounded nice, but it was only to persuade others. If it was up to them, they might not be able to take it and just let go!

Moreover, it was the first time that reporter Little Tang fell in love at first sight.

But in the end... forget it, he didn't want to bring up the sad matter anymore.

It was almost seven in the morning, and the department was already bustling with noise. The family members had gathered in several circles and lined up to buy food.

Jiang Tingxu walked around the ward and even went to the ICU to check on the situation.

The nurses in the ICU were very emotional,

"Fortunately, a few surgical patients woke up one after another.".

Those patients were all critically ill!

There was a huge difference between not waking up and being able to wake up.

Jiang Tingxu looked at the record sheet and gave some instructions before leaving the ICU.