Someone Who Couldn't Even Spend 20 Million

Since there was still time, Jiang Tingxu naturally didn't have any objections.

"Alright, then I wish the two of you a pleasant cooperation in advance!"

Mo Boyuan chuckled:

"Is this how 'pleasant cooperation' is used?"

"What else?"

"Alright, Alright, you're the boss, oh right, this is for you!"


Jiang Tingxu was quite puzzled, then, she saw the man turn to the side and open the drawer of the bedside table, he took out two cards from the drawer:

"We agreed last night. I'll give them to you today."

Wait a minute.

"Weren't you drunk last night? How come you still remember?"

"Is my memory that bad? Ahem, I could remember some, but some I forgot, I happen to remember this."

Jiang Tingxu did not take them:

"That's enough, what could I spend on even if you gave them to me?"

"Why not? Didn't you women like to buy bags, luxury goods, jewelry, and high-end clothing?"
