Pulling out the oxygen tube

"Jiang Tingxu, lower your head a little."

"Lower a little more. Ningning can't reach it."

"No, no, it's crooked."


For a moment, the room was filled with the chatters of the little guy. Jiang Tingxu, of course, cooperated with her son.

Mo Boyuan, on the other hand, couldn't stop laughing at the side.

Jiang Tingxu had glared at him a few times, but the man couldn't control himself at all.

"Well, it's done!"


Jiang Tingxu looked at Mo Boyuan inquisitively. The child's father might be more reliable in an adult's aesthetic judgment.

Mo Boyuan looked around and slowly said, "Well, my wife is good-looking. Naturally, she can pull off anything."

Was this a genuine compliment?

Or was it just a desire to survive?

Jiang Tingxu searched around. Alright, she didn't find a small mirror or anything like that at home.

She just happened to see the phone in the man's hand.

"Let me use it."