The plane had an accident

Wen Jie's culinary skills were needless to say. Even a crown prince like Mo Boyuan, who was used to all kinds of delicacies, had his appetite greatly increased after eating the food cooked by Wen Jie.

When he was almost done eating, the cell phone beside him rang. He picked it up.


"Hey, Old Mo, you're a prophet, right?"

When he picked up the phone, he didn't notice the caller ID. From his voice, he could tell that it was Mort.

"What's wrong?"

"The latest news. Ten minutes ago, the plane that took off from Country Y to Yun City had an accident."

Did something really happen?

Mo Boyuan couldn't help but be a little stunned.

When he came back to his senses, he asked again, "What's the situation now? How are the casualties?"

When they heard the word "casualties", Wen Jie and Jiang Tingxu, who were doctors, quickly looked over.

"What happened?" Wen Jie asked worriedly.