The Bag Was Lost

The police arrived quickly. At that moment, Wen Jie, Jiang Tingxu, and the old lady were all taking notes in the supermarket's office.

"Police, if you catch that person, they must be severely punished. It's too detestable. Not only did they steal, they even pushed me down!"

The old lady felt wronged.

Not only was she pushed for no reason, but she was also called to take notes early in the morning. It was too unlucky.

Another policeman and supermarket manager were looking at the surveillance camera.

"This is it, zoom in," the policeman said and everyone had to listen obediently.

The screen zoomed in several times until it was at its maximum.

"This is the person."

When they heard it, everyone gathered around.

However, when Jiang Tingxu saw the picture on the screen, she knew that she could not find her bag.