His Wife, Ji Bing

This was probably the first time Mo Boyuan had ever taken a taxi in his life. His eyes were filled with disdain.

What kind of broken car was this?

The little kid was much more at ease. He wasn't as fussy as his father.

After getting into the car with the cameraman, the taxi started and left.

Along the way, the driver was so excited that he sped up from time to time.

Fortunately, his driving skills were not bad and did not make him dizzy.


At the airport.

The taxi stopped steadily. There was already a large group of people from the film crew waiting by the side, and Chi En and his daughter, who had arrived earlier, were also there.

Mo Boyuan got out of the car first, and then went around to the other side to open the door,

"Get out."

The little kid in the car stretched out his neck to look at the ground. His two short legs immediately shrank back, and then he stretched out his hands,

"Daddy, hug me."