Wake Up

Fully satiated, the dads brought the children back to their rooms to retire for the night. On the way, Ningning started to doze off and was too weary to walk, so he grabbed on to Boyuan's trousers, pleading, "Dad, carry me..."

"Walk on your own."

He hadn't even settled the score with Ningning, yet he had the nerve to ask to be carried?

Boyuan refused to budge. Sticking his hands in his pockets, his expression seemed to imply that Ningning could hang on to his trousers for all he wanted, he just wouldn't carry him.

Seeing his dad's reaction, Ningning attempted to climb up Boyuan's body. But as Boyuan did not cooperate, naturally he didn't succeed.

Ningning pursed his lips, "Dad..."

"Mo Zhining, you're almost four years old. You're not a child who can't walk yet. So are you going to walk or not? If not, you can stay here, I will go back first!"