Suddenly Had a Few More Nephews

After throwing down the rag, Little Rock ran straight to the door.

At this time, Gu Ranzhi also passed through the crowd and arrived at the door. The adult and child looked at each other.

"Huh, why do I feel that this man looks familiar?" Little Rock scratched his head and muttered to himself.

The smile on Gu Ranzhi's lips deepened.

"Mm, I also feel that you look familiar." He replied, but didn't directly say who he was. Instead, he continued to let the child guess.

Little Rock looked left and right as he sized up Gu Ranzhi. He seemed really familiar, but he couldn't remember him at the moment.

How frustrating.

Inside, Wu Mubai and a few other children saw that Little Rock had come out for a long time, so they put down the rag in their hands and came out.

Little Rock heard the commotion behind him and hurriedly pulled Wu Mubai along.

"Mr. Wu, this person seems so familiar!"