Come With Me

Jiang Tingxu's mouth tilted upwards slightly at the corners and suddenly made a move. Before Jun Ya could react, her collar was grabbed and her toes slowly left the ground.

After all, she was still a child and had not experienced much. At this moment, she was really frightened.

"What do you want?" She stuttered.

"Me? You just poured wine on my skirt. Now you are asking what I want?" Instead of being angry, she smiled. It was this smile that made the little girl very scared and her whole body tremble.

Only this much courage?

Jiang Tingxu laughed contemptuously, and then put her down.

"Say it!"

Jun Ya's legs were a little weak. After hearing Jiang Tingxu's words, she didn't react in time.

"Say what?"

"What do you think? If you don't say it, I can't guarantee that I won't do something to you. Well, I'm not a magnanimous person!"

Hiss ~

The little girl was really scared.