Something Is Wrong

Moreover, Gu Ranzhi suspected Zhu Yutong and the Zhu family. It was just that there was no evidence to prove him right yet.

Since he was suspicious, how would he agree?

Zhu Yutong's parents were a little angry. When had the Zhu family's family been so despised?

Yutong was their only daughter, the apple of their eyes!

But now, she was being despised by a man.

Mrs. Zhu held her daughter's arm and said,

"Yutong, Ranzhi has made it very clear. Why don't we forget about the matter!"

As a dignified Miss Zhu, she had many suitors woo after her.

But, Yutong was as stubborn as a bull that can't hold back, she said,

"No, I don't. I liked Ranzhi. I only want him!

Whoever stops me, I will yell at them!"

Hiss ~

Mrs. Zhu was so angry that she decided not to get involved. She said to he husband,

"Zhu, let's go. Just leave her alone."

Since she couldn't persuade her, just let her be.