I'll Take Your Surname

It was only when Zhu Yutong woke up and walked out of the room that she was discovered.

"Yutong, where have you been? You freaked me out!" Mrs. Zhu was so anxious that she was about to cry.

Zhu Yutong, on the other hand, was still in a daze.

"Why am I here?"


"Where else can you be if not here? Yutong, are you alright?"

Zhu Yutong rubbed her head and finally remembered what happened. She was stunned. At once, she raised her head and said,

"Mom, where's Gu Ranzhi?"

Mrs. Zhu became furious again. She took so much effort to find her daughter, but her daughter only cared about the man.


Zhu Yutong seemed to be impatient. She turned around and ran straight to the room where Gu Ranzhi was.

However, she did not see who she wanted to see. Instead, she saw two housekeepers cleaning the room.

"Where is the guest staying in this room?"

"Mr. Gu? He left a long time ago!"

Had he left?