Not Easy

"It's the truth! " Huo Ye said.

Gu Ranzhi's face twitched a little. "Got it. "

It was better for him not to let Jiang Tingxu know that his relationship with that person was no longer the same as before. Jiang Tingxu would only be troubled if she knew of their strained relationship, and as a brother-like figure to Jiang Tingxu, Gu Ranzhi could not afford to let her feel that way.

After the call ended, Gu Ranzhi could not help but mutter, "F*ck. "

He then went straight to his old home, the family quarter.

The renovation ended a week ago and just needed to be aired for a period of time before people could move in.

Gu Ranzhi went back home because he did not want to see the people he did not want to see ahead of time.

He had boarded the plane over right after work and did not get any rest. Hence, his body was very tired at the moment.