Watch Uncle's Act

The Rainbow Association!

It was an international famous charity organization that helped the poor people. The association had helped many people in many natural disasters and unfortunate tragedies.

The association had been very popular among the people!

However, Gu Ranzhi found out something very interesting.

The association was not that simple!

"Do you have the list?"

Gu Ranzhi shrugged and said,

"I don't have it. That's all I know. The rest is up to you."

He could ignore what had happened abroad for the time being, but they had to investigate the local situation immediately.

According to Gu Ranzhi, Lu Yunhua, Pei Xintong, Li Hong (the wife of the Mu Corporation's ex-chairman) , and Yu Lan were all members of The Rainbow Association!

Besides that, the woman from Zhu family who drugged Gu Ranzhi on the cruise ship, and Madam Zhu were on the list too!