Full of Melodrama

"Mr. Ling, if I didn't misunderstand what you just said, those people from the Yue family not only had their eyes on my father-in-law back then, they even had their eyes on my wife?"

"That's right. However, according to President Mo, those people were not only after Young Miss and her father but also other families, such as the Mo Family!"

"Of course, the Yue family's people are more concerned about how to prolong the life of their eldest son. As for the others, there are more behind them!"

Those people's appetites were truly not ordinary.

Perhaps, the higher their status, the greedier they became.

With power and influence, they were now keen on monopolizing wealth.

After all, everybody had an insatiable hunger for wealth and success.

It was an extremely ambitious plan to want to dominate a few large families at once.

The mastermind behind this plan probably looked down on these large families or thought too highly of himself!