The Box Left Behind By Father Jiang

Mo Boyuan noticed the change on his wife's face. He got his phone call connected.

"Hi, yes. I have something to clarify with the leader."

"Yes, okay. I'll be right there."

After hanging up the phone, the man grinned and said,

"What are you waiting for? Let's go!"


Jiang Tingxu was stunned and asked,

"Where are we going?"

"Where else can we go? Of course, we are going to answer your questions!"



This time, Qiao Liang and Tan Qingshu could only give the couple some room and did not go deeper.

There were already people waiting at the door. Seeing the two of them get out of the car, they went forward to greet,

"Is it President Mo and Young Madam?"

The couple answered at the same time,


"Please follow me. The leader is already waiting."