The Young Marquis Who is Blind Yet Clear-Headed (4)

And this Princess Yong An, on the other hand, was the daughter born to Prince Ying when he was an old man. She was the apple of his eye, and he'd always kept her well-protected. Even the emperor doted on her, and she was one vicious character who had actually dared tug at his beard when she was just a child.

The wrath of anyone related to Xiao Anning was not something that this group of young men could bear!

Tan Weizhi froze in shock, incapable of responding. He'd even forgotten about the severe pain in his nose and couldn't even be bothered to wipe the endless stream of blood from his nostrils.

Was it actually so serious as that?

But people were all praises for the people in the Duke's residence, saying that they were the most reasonable and sensible ones. He thought that so long as he made it clear that they had nothing to do with the accident, then they would get off scot-free...

"You're the son of a mere sixth-grade official. If not for your cousin being the fiancée of the Young Marquis, would someone like you even be able to say as much as a single word to someone of the Young Marquis's status? You're such a joke. You don't know your place. You actually had the audacity to pull such a vicious stunt on the Young Marquis. You'd better pray the Young Marquis is safe and sound. Otherwise, even if you're sentenced to death by a thousand cuts, those people's anger still won't be satisfied. As for us…" The round-faced youth's face fell, and he didn't go on speaking. He paused for a moment, then turned around and gave instructions to the crowd. "The few of you, go find the Young Marquis's bodyguards. The rest of you, follow me. We'll find somewhere that leads us down to the bottom of the pit and find the Young Marquis."

The round-faced youth came from a family of merchants, and this group of people was usually at the bottom of the totem pole in terms of social status. But he had actually become the mainstay of the group.

At his command, part of the panic-stricken crowd sped off in a frenzy to find the Young Marquis's bodyguards, while the remaining ones, under the leadership of the round-faced youth, started looking for a way down into the pit.

Only Tan Weizhi stayed behind, like a fool, letting the blood from his nose trickle to the ground to form a puddle. When the Young Marquis' bodyguard hastily arrived, two of them restrained him and tied him up in a bundle that made him look like a dumpling, then they threw him aside.

Tan Weizhi fell to the ground in a daze. There was only one thought in his mind: "Why did things turn out this way? Why did things turn out this way?" According to his plan, things shouldn't have turned out this way. So long as he managed to implicate everyone in this group, and all of them unanimously said that the Young Marquis had accidentally slipped and fallen on his own, they could all be cleanly absolved from any blame. This way, he wouldn't get himself into any trouble, but at the same time, he could free his cousin from the fiery pit of doom.

But how had things come to this?


At the OmniStore.

"Hahaha, this human really is stupid. Just like what that portly fellow said. He's stupid and vicious. He pushed someone else's son to his death and expects other people to be sensible and reasonable enough to just make light of what happened? Haha. How could he be so stupid?" Kong Hou's scornful voice was filled with derision as she spoke, her laughter echoing in the shop.

Tian Miao was eating a slice of rose cake that they had brought over from the previous world. She looked at the large mirrors in front of her and didn't say a word. She simply watched the events unfold in silence.

There were several large mirrors, all half the height of an average human, placed right in front of Tian Miao, and they reflected everything that happened on Xiao Anning's side from all angles. Kong Hou was pouring tea for Tian Miao as she mocked them. Humans were really so stupid.

"Kong Hou," Tian Miao suddenly said in her lazy voice.

"Ah, Boss. I'm here." Kong Hou hurriedly responded.

"You know what the greatest difference between you and Dong Xiao is?" Tian Miao's voice sounded somewhat airy.

"I'm a dragon, he's a phoenix. I have four legs, he has two. I have no wings, he has wings?" There was a baffled look on Kong Hou's face as she listed off a series of guesses in reply.

Dong Xiao, who was standing off to the side, almost laughed out loud. Kong Hou was always so adorkable. Maybe this was also the reason why their master liked her, right? Dong Xiao stole a glance at Tian Miao, and just as he expected, he saw the corners of her mouth curl upward into a hint of a smile.

"No…" Tian Miao said, and lightly, she explained, "The greatest difference between you and Dong Xiao is that Dong Xiao can see both the dark and the light. And you, on the other hand, you only see darkness..."