A 9.9-Yuan Rag With Free Shipping

Su Xing took the dress out of the box. 

Xu Tongtong glanced briefly at the dress and scoffed, "You got it from Taobao 9.9 with free shipping, right? It doesn't have a good texture and it looks even cheaper than your school uniform. Fu Zhi, don't take this as criticism, but do you not think that you should treat the competition more seriously? Your English is bad, and now you don't even have a nice dress to wear on stage. Are you not afraid of making a fool of yourself on the stage?" 

"Tongtong's right. Dressing up decently is the most basic form of respect one should have for others on a special occasion such as this one. If you wear that cheap dress of yours on the stage, then you're basically not respecting the event."