She's About To Cry

Lu Li didn't understand what was happening between the adults.

She only knew that this time, Daddy did not stop her from calling him her daddy, and he didn't seem like he was going to boot her out again. 

While grabbing onto Lu Junhan's trousers, she rubbed her pudgy cheeks on his legs affectionately. She looked up at Song Qingwan with her eyes filled with reverence for her daddy. She still looked extremely cute and cuddly when she told her, "Auntie, you're so nice! You helped Lili find her daddy!" 


Song Qingwan was completely stupefied by what she heard. Finally, when she came back to her senses, she stared at Lu Li, then up at Lu Junhan with a face full of disbelief. 

She finally started speaking with a trembling voice after a long period of silence, "She… She's really your daughter?"

Lu Junhan's face was cold and completely devoid of emotions. His words carried no warmth, and his response was quick and decisive, "No."

Lu Junhan's reply flew above her head completely. She stared at the innocent-looking Lu Li for a second before slamming her hand on Lu Junhan's shoulder while cackling away loudly.

"Ahahaha! Not bad, my boy! You're progressing faster than I expected! I was hoping for a grandso- No, granddaughter for the past couple of years, and here we are! Finally, you really delivered one for me! No wonder she looked so much like us! Looks like we share the same blood after all!" 

The man said coldly with a frown, "I'm telling you, she isn't mine."

Song Qingwan bent down and took a good look at Lu Li as she mumbled to herself, "Huh, your daughter's grown up now. When did you have her? Who did you have her with? Why wasn't I told anything?"

"I told you, she isn't…"

She stroked her cheeks and clicked her tongue twice. "I think she must at least be three years old? You have been hiding it quite well! You could have told me a few years earlier that you had a daughter. It's not like I'm going to snatch her away from you. Heh, look at you being so protective of your little girl!"


"Now that you've mentioned it," Song Qingwan stared at Lu Li's face and muttered to herself, "No wonder she looked so familiar the first time I saw her. She's your daughter all along! If this had not happened, were you going to wait until Lili is all grown up before telling me about her existence? What kind of a nephew are you?!"

Lu Junhan took in a deep breath, before lashing out with an icy-cold voice, "Song Qingwan, stop acting like a fool! I told you, she is not my daughter!"

Even the butler couldn't bear the see how dark Young Master Lu's eyes were becoming. He seemed exactly like a ticking time bomb, ready to explode at any moment's notice. To prevent hell from breaking loose, he hurriedly bent forward and explained everything that had happened earlier that afternoon. He told her how Lu Li appeared out of nowhere and started calling him Daddy. 

"You're saying that this child appeared out of nowhere?"

Song Qingwan was somewhat deep in thought.

The butler said, "Yes. Even after checking the surveillance footage, we still couldn't comprehend how she suddenly appeared inside our gates. It was like she materialized out of thin air."

However, Song Qingwan wasn't even remotely concerned about this.

"Who is the mother of this child? What's her last name? What about her actual name? Where is she from? How many members does she have in her family? Does she have long hair or short hair? How tall is she? How much does she weigh? Does she really love my boy?"

The butler looked at Lu Junhan, unsure how to answer her rapid succession of questions. "About that…"

"I don't know who her mother is!" Lu Junhan's voice was deep, his eyes clearly reflected how irritated he was. "She is not my child."

Song Qingwan's mind finally registered what he said. However, there was only disdain on her face as she lectured him, "She has already called you her daddy, and you're telling me now that she's not your child?"

"Don't forget that I was the one who raised you. I know pretty well what you looked like when you were little. Lili looks exactly like you when you were a kid. We're talking about an 80% similarity here. Excluding any unforeseeable circumstances, I am very certain that she's your biological daughter."

Lu Junhan frowned. This was the second time today that he heard someone say how much that troublemaker resembled him.

Before he could say anything, the little girl finally understood what they were talking about. She appeared visibly upset as she clung stubbornly to his leg, fearing that he would abandon her again.

Her eyes teared up instantly as she started sobbing. "Daddy...Lili really is your daughter. You've got to believe me! See? We look so much like each other! Please don't throw me away again, okay?" 

Song Qingwan glared at him with eyes full of rage and fury. "Boy! How dare you bully my granddaughter!"


"Look at her, she's about to cry! You scum!"

Lu Junhan, "…"