Chapter 506: Give You Another Slap

"Who are you?" Yan Jinyi asked.

Ren Hanxuan sneered. 'I heard this woman is quite impressive but I have Team No. 2 of the Huo Family's escort team behind me now. I doubt Yan Jinyi can defeat me.' 

Clearly, Ren Hanxuan had no idea that Yan Jinyi had once fought and defeated Team No. 1 alone. 

"Second Young Mistress Huo, you must be joking. We've had dinner together before." 

Yan Jinyi was getting annoyed and her patience was wearing thin. "I mean, who are you to boss me around and give orders here?" 

Ren Hanxuan was momentarily speechless and her expression immediately became sullen. 

Team No. 2 had been working with Huo Chengyu and were also very familiar with Ren Hanxuan. Ren Hanxuan often treated their injuries and bandaged their wounds. Seeing that Yan Jinyi was bullying her, they immediately stood out to defend her. 

"Miss Ren, is this Second Young Mistress Huo?"