Chapter 517: Just Return The Money To Me

The auction items on this cruise ship were of a higher grade than the ones in Tang Qing's family auction house.

It seems that the richer people are, the fonder they are of antiques. Hence, most of the auction items this time were antiques.

Yan Jinyi and Huo Xishen sat in the most central position that offered an excellent view.

Yan Jinyi was getting chagrined and frustrated when she watched the price of an ordinary vase go up to a million yuan. 

'If I had known this when I was reborn, I would have negotiated with King Yama and ask him to let me go back to my era to get some bottles and jars before being reborn in this modern-day era. If I had done that, I would be the richest woman in this city now!' 

"Darling, has anything caught your eye?" Huo Xishen suddenly asked.
