Yan Jinyi Really Is Considered Nothing 

Everyone looked over in unison.

The man whose arm Ye Minran was holding was rather tall and well-dressed. However, his looks were only average. Xiao Xue and the others were just being too exaggerated. 

Hearing this, Ye Minran's husband asked with a sullen expression, "Who bullied you? Don't worry, I'll teach her a lesson for you." 

Ye Minran continued aggrievedly, "But she's a superstar who has many fans. What if she takes this to the Internet and shames us online? Forget it." 

"So what if she's a superstar? I have many ways to get her boycotted." After saying that, Ye Minran's husband turned around to look at the person behind him with a deferential expression. "Mr. Tang, sorry to have embarrassed ourselves. This is my wife, Ye Minran. Mr. Tang, you should have some connections with people in the entertainment industry, this industry is quite complicated now, well..."