Hit Your Head

"Second Young Mistress Huo, I came here this time with utmost sincerity to cooperate with you, and I also believe in your judgment." Chen Yu took out a bank card and said, "There is exactly 10 million yuan in this card. Even if this investment fails, I won't blame you because I know that everything comes with risks."

'If it fails, I have to blame myself.'

After changing her position, Yan Jinyi still had a smile on her face. She said, "There's no need to give me the card. You're welcome on board, Mrs. Chen."

The funds were in place so the next step was to find the right script and main cast.

For the first time, Yan Jinyi hated herself for not being able to write novels. Otherwise, she would have produced and marketed her own novels, which would be great. 

"Thank you, Second Young Mistress Huo. Let me treat you to dinner tonight to show my appreciation."

Yan Jinyi hesitated before answering, "Sure!"