I Really Like You

'Damn it, I won't let you ruin Yuxi's happiness!' 

Yan Jinyi walked to the other side of the street, where there was a black car parked.

The windows were half rolled down, and the person sitting inside could be seen vaguely.

The contours of his side profile were extremely suave. At this moment, he was concentrating on the documents in his hands.

Upon sight of Yan Jinyi, Huo Xishen pushed open the car door and said slowly in a deep voice, "You're back."

Yan Jinyi humphed coldly, clearly in a foul mood. 

Huo Xishen's thick brows were slightly furrowed. "Did she bully you?"


She got inside the car and rested her head on her shoulder. With a sudden sigh, she asked, "Are there really people in this world who would hurt their own kin to help outsiders?" 

Huo Xishen knew who she was referring to and he looked down slightly. "Maybe she isn't your kin."