Poor Judgment

Bai Moliang's face instantly became sullen. "Yan Jinyi, mind your words."

"Want to threaten me? Come on, I'll die with you at most!" 

Bai Moliang looked at her for a while and suddenly sneered. "That guy's taste in women is so poor." 

'If you have what it takes, say Huo Xishen's name out loud, you wimp.' 

The janitor happened to pass by. Yan Jinyi ignored Bai Moliang and beckoned her. "Ma'am, there is a mutant cockroach at the door that smells horrid. Please bring a bottle of insecticide to spray it properly later!"

The janitor did not know Yan Jinyi and Bai Moliang. She only knew that the people living on this floor were rich.

At that, she first looked around and then cautiously looked at Yan Jinyi. "Beauty, we are in a five-star hotel, how can there be cockroaches?"

"There's one here, it's quite large." 

She glanced at Bai Moliang and sauntered away with her chest slightly puffed up.