Do You Know What Bullying Is?

'Arghhh. If you want to be my friend, let's be friends, why must you mention Huo Jingxiu!'

Wen Ruan glanced subconsciously at Huo Hannian.

He had his earpiece on. With his head lowered, he was engrossed in playing his game. He did not even look at her.

Fine, she was nothing but invisible to him anyway. After three days of cold war, he didn't appear to want to solve the conflict with her.

How heartless!

Wen Ruan looked at the tall and good-looking Qin Fang, and sighed inside.

To be honest, it was the first time that someone confessed to her after being in Isa College for so long.

However, her heart was already scattered into bits and pieces. She did not want to think about love anymore.

"Schoolmate Qin, I only want to get into university right now. I don't want to make friends with boys from other classes. You should put your effort into other girls!"